Group Husky Ride Experiences

Our huskies in action
Group Husky Ride Experiences:
Two people can take turns to ride with one husky team to give each a chance to meet the huskies, spectate and experience the husky ride.
Take an exhilarating Husky passenger ride around our beautiful 220 acre estate Meet the pack of over 40 Siberian racing Huskies A unique experience in the amazing Scottish countryside Run by a World and European championship team Family & friends as Spectators are very welcome
Upon arrival at the Huskies home, you’ll both be met by our family team who look after and train these amazing animals. You will both be kitted out with your protective clothing, helmet and goggles, then introduced to the Huskies as you learn all about their different traits and what makes these dogs very special animals.
Once the team are hitched in, One of you will ride as a passenger, while the other and up to two other family members or friends, will be taken out to a vantage point to watch the team in action. As you speed along, you’ll experience varied terrain across the private trails, as well as spectacular views of the Scottish countryside & wildlife.
Mid-way through your ride, we stop the huskies for a rest & a drink at the viewing point. You & your family & friends can all stroke the huskies here & take photos alongside the team.
You then swap over as passenger / spectator and we then set-off again with the huskies for the second half of the ride to complete the run.
Once the team are back at the barn, you’ll all be able to both spend some more time with your team as they cool down and relax. This is when the Huskies really love to be fussed and stroked!
This activity can take place between the months of September through till April (depending on weather). During the warmer weather months in the Spring and Autumn, the rides take place earlier in the morning to make the best use of the cooler temperatures for the Huskies.
This is the perfect experience for people looking to do something different and is sure to leave you with unforgettable memories!
Please let us know at time of booking & we can let you know how to pay.
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